In a momentous announcement, German shipping giant Hapag-Lloyd has unveiled its latest maritime marvel, the "Hanoi Express." This colossal container ship is a game-changer, boasting a staggering cargo capacity of 23,660 TEU (Twenty-Foot Equivalent Units). Notably, it has secured its place among the world's largest container ships, heralding a new era in global shipping.
The Hanoi Express comes equipped with a cutting-edge feature: dual-fuel capability, running on both conventional oil and eco-friendly liquefied natural gas (LNG). This technological innovation underscores Hapag-Lloyd's commitment to environmental sustainability and fuel efficiency in an industry often associated with carbon emissions.
This formidable vessel is not alone; it is the third of a dozen ultra-large container ships (ULCVs) of the same type commissioned by Hapag-Lloyd. All 12 of these ships, constructed at the renowned Hanwha shipyard in Korea, are setting new standards in maritime transportation. With their massive cargo-holding prowess, they are poised to revolutionize the logistics landscape.
What sets the Hanoi Express apart is its distinctive name. Among the 12-strong fleet, six ships have been named after Asian cities, including Singapore, Mumbai, Manila, Busan, Bangkok, and Hanoi. It's intriguing to note that Hanoi, the vibrant capital of Vietnam, stands out as the sole city in the group without a seaport. This unique nomenclature choice adds an extra layer of intrigue to this already remarkable vessel.
The launch of the Hanoi Express signals Hapag-Lloyd's commitment to staying at the forefront of the global shipping industry, embracing innovation, and addressing environmental concerns. As it joins the ranks of Hapag-Lloyd's impressive fleet, it promises to play a pivotal role in the ever-evolving world of international trade and logistics.
By La Quang Tri